UK Record Status Portsmouth
UK Record Status Portsmouth
Muckamore Company of Archers (MCOA)
Kilbride, BT39 0SQ, 1 Oct 2023
UK Record Status Portsmouth
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Portsmouth Recurve Men 50+ [OFFICIAL After 60 Arrows]
Pos.AthleteCountry or State Code20y-120y-2Tot.HitsGolds 
1WRIGHT David2201 - East Belfast Archery Club286/ 1285/ 15716057
 2201 - East Belfast Archery Club
 20y-1: 286, 20y-2: 285
2PATRICK John41 - Muckamore Company of Archers266/ 2268/ 25346042
 41 - Muckamore Company of Archers
 20y-1: 266, 20y-2: 268
3GRIFFIN George43 - Lisburn City Archery Club260/ 3268/ 25286042
 43 - Lisburn City Archery Club
 20y-1: 260, 20y-2: 268