Junior Archery Series Stage 1 (North) hosted by York Archers
Junior Archery Series Stage 1 (North) hosted by York Archers
Yorks Archers (York)
Hopgrove playing fields, Malton Road, York, YO32 9TE, 20 May 2023
Junior Archery Series Stage 1 (North) hosted by York Archers
Show details
Barebow Under 18
1DIMITROVA Denitsa984984 - Northampton Archery Club 
  Northampton Archery Club
2WIGGIN Tom788788 - The Audco Archers 
  The Audco Archers
3STANLEY-WRIGHT Kaci10111011 - Soar Valley Archers 
  Soar Valley Archers
4VALLIS Rachael27182718 - Wearmouth Archers 
  Wearmouth Archers