Danish Youth Championship 2021
Aalborg Bueskyttelaug (ABL)
Vissevej 151, 28-29 Aug 2021
Danish Youth Championship 2021
Number of Entries by Event
DC1 2     
HC2 2 4   
DN5 2 2   
HN5 4 2 1 
DA7 3 3 1 
HA812 4 1 
DK81  4 1 
HK3 1 2 1 
DJ2   3   
HJ7 1 6   

Individual Finals
 Event NameAthletesFirst Phase# of matches (and byes)Qualified No. (and not)
DCBDame Micro Barbue21/2 (2)2-----
HCBHerre Micro Barbue21/2 (2)2-----
HCCHerre Micro Compound41/22 4-----
DCRDame Micro Recurve1     
HCRHerre Micro Recurve21/2 (2)2-----
HNLHerre Mini Langbue1     
DNBDame Mini Barbue21/2 (2)2-----
HNBHerre Mini Barbue41/22 4-----
DNCDame Mini Compound2     
HNCHerre Mini Compound21/2 (2)2-----
DNRDame Mini Recurve51/41(3)5-----
HNRHerre Mini Recurve51/41(3)5-----
DALDame Aspirant Langbue1     
HALHerre Aspirant Langbue1     
DABDame Aspirant Barbue31/21(1)3-----
HABHerre Aspirant Barbue21/2 (2)2-----
DACDame Aspirant Compound31/21(1)3-----
HACHerre Aspirant Compound41/22 4-----
DARDame Aspirant Recurve71/43(1)7-----
HARHerre Aspirant Recurve81/44 8-----
DKLDame Kadet Langbue1     
HKLHerre Kadet Langbue1     
HKBHerre Kadet Barbue1     
DKCDame Kadet Compound41/22 4-----
HKCHerre Kadet Compound21/2 (2)2-----
DKRDame Kadet Recurve81/44 8-----
HKRHerre Kadet Recurve31/21(1)3-----
HJBHerre Junior Barbue1     
DJCDame Junior Compound31/21(1)3-----
HJCHerre Junior Compound61/42(2)6-----
DJRDame Junior Recurve21/2 (2)2-----
HJRHerre Junior Recurve71/43(1)7-----

Team Finals
 Event NameMixed Team EventTeamsFirst Phase# of matches (and byes)Qualified No. (and not)
15L15m LangbueNo      
15B15m BarbueNo      
15C15m CompoundNo      
15R15m RecurveNo      
30L30m LangbueNo      
30B30m BarbueNo1     
30C30m CompoundNo2     
30R30m RecurveNo      
40L40m LangbueNo      
50B50m BarbueNo      
40R40m RecurveNo1     
50C50m CompoundNo21/2 (2)2---
60R60m RecurveNo21/2 (2)2---
70R70m RecurveNo      
15LM15m Langbue MixYes      
15BM15m Barbue MixYes      
15CM15m Compound MIxYes      
15RM15m Recurve MixYes      
30LM30m Langbue MixYes1     
30BM30m Barbue MixYes1     
30CM30m Compound MixYes31/21(1)3---
30RM30m Recurve MixYes31/21(1)3---
40LM40m Langbue MixYes      
40RM40m Recurve MixYes3     
50BM50m Barbue MixYes      
50CM50m Compund MixYes41/22(0)4---
60RM60m Recurve MixYes21/2 (2)2---
70RM70m Recurve MixYes1