The Archery GB Junior National Indoor Championships 2017
Archery GB (AGB)
Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2LZ, from 02-12-2017 to 2-12-2017
Participant List ordered by Target
8:30 Session
Country Name
31AREID Jacob782TELFORD ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
31BORTON Patrick731MERIDEN ACBarebow Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
32AORTON Monty731MERIDEN ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
32BPERKINS Louis993SILVER SPOON BRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
33AWRIGHT Harry988DUSTON BRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
33BO'CONNOR Stephen1771TRACKSIDE ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
34ADONALDSON Cameron907CLEADON ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
34BSHEHATA-MORGAN Alexander697EVESHAM ACRecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
35ACOUGHLIN Emily1945SLEAFORD MALTSTERSRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
35BJAQUES Luca2141AARDWOLF ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
36AJOYCE Darragh544BURNHAM C OF ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
36BMARYON Georgia873NETHERMOSS ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
37ABOWMAN Daniel731MERIDEN ACRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
37BQUINTON Roman462DEBEN ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
38ACOOPER Jason462DEBEN ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
38BHEMPSALL Charlotte872B OF PENDLE & SAMLESBURYRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
39APAUL Ruby989A OF RAUNDSRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
39BCOODYE Mia469RAYLEIGH TOWN ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
40AMADDISON Will2013NORTON ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
40BROGERS Thea4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
41AMULLOCK Henry252ROYAL RICHMOND ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
41BSTEVENSON Rebecca1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
42ASTEW Harry1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
42BENNELS-SMITH Tynan1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
43ADAVIES Amy1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
43BSHEPARD Findlay1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
44AHOMEWOOD Samuel1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ALongbow Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
44BWARNER Joseph1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
45AENNELS-SMITH Rayelle1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ALongbow Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
45BEBRUY Kelsey1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ALongbow Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
46AGREEN Lara1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ALongbow Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
46BPHILLPOTT Owen1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
47AWARNER Lily1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
47BSTANTON Tammy1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ACompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
48ATESTER Issac1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
48BGARRETT Sophie428ALTON & FOUR MARKSRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
49AREES Prestyn1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
49BMARSHALL Amiliea1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
50AMATTEN Joe1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
50BFIRTH Terri-Ann731MERIDEN ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
51ATHOMPSON William813VALLEY B OF HUDDERSFIELDRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
51BGUNTRIPP Freija697EVESHAM ACRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
52AAJRAOU Houdeyfa1020NUNEATON ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
52BTRIM Cameron548YEO BBarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
53AAJRAOU Zeyd1020NUNEATON ACBarebow Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
53BEVANS Bethany36LOUGH CUAN BRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
54AMASSEY Alex43LISBURN CITY ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
54BMARTIN Sean1698CAUSEWAY C OF ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
55ALEATHEM Ryan36LOUGH CUAN BRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
55BDUNNE Molly1297BALLYVALLY A BANBRIDGERecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
56ATHOMPSON Daniel4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
56BBYRNE Sinead1297BALLYVALLY A BANBRIDGECompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
57AAXTEN Emily1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
57BSUMMERS Morgan1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ABarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
58ASUMMERS Jack1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ACompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
58BPHILPOTT Jake1952SITTINGBOURNE COM COLL ACompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
59AMCCULLOUGH Stuart1297BALLYVALLY A BANBRIDGECompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
59BMARSHALL Thomas979TARGETCRAFT ACompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
60AWISE Alex908B OF WALKERRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
60BFLETCHER Harriet697EVESHAM ACCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
10:45 Session
Country Name
31ABLAXALL Hannah788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
31BMOORE Ben2595WALLINGFORD CASTLE ARecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
31CHANNAHBLAXALL Wheelchair1ARCHERY GBStay on the Line Stay on the Line
31DCOLENUTT Imogen1246DEER PARK ABarebow Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
32APALMER Heike684WYRE FOREST C OF ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
32BPORTER Matthew2241BICESTER ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
32CLEDWICK Hayden2571EAGLE B OF BEDFORDRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
32DCHILCOTT Becky788THE AUDCO ABarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
33AMEDHURST Charlie692REDHILL ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
33BMORRISON Sophie1040ANCHOR B ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
33CBUCKNER Jodie413OVERTON BLACK ARROWSRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
33DBIRDSALL Harvey469RAYLEIGH TOWN ACBarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
34AVAUGHAN Matthew731MERIDEN ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
34BSEATON Holly1017B OF RUTLANDRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
34CMARCH Amy2296WYMONDHAM ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
34DKELLETT Samuel938B OF BRUNTWOODLongbow Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
35ATONKINSON Katie788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
35BHAVERS Megan1015HINCKLEY ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
35CHAMMOND Jessica246WOKING ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
35DBANNISTER Daniel788THE AUDCO ABarebow Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
36ABURDETT Nicole740BOWFLIGHTS ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
36BRAMIREZ Aliyah427ANDOVER ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
36CMETHOLD Callum259GUILDFORD ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
36DALI Yusuf1772LEICESTER A ACADEMYRecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
37AROADKNIGHT Katie692REDHILL ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
37BPETRE Emma2209CORBY ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
37CWHITE Marcus263CHESSINGTON BRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
37DJOYCE Molly544BURNHAM C OF ALongbow Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
38AROADKNIGHT Amy692REDHILL ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
38BMATKIN Eleanor1022B OF BIRSTALLRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
38CSHEMMANS Jake259GUILDFORD ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
38DPREECE Rosemary4ARCHERY GBCompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
39APALMER Freya684WYRE FOREST C OF ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
39BCHAPMAN Samuel1004IVANHOE ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
39CLOBBAN Karen121SHETLAND ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
39DGROOM Eve4ARCHERY GBCompound Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
40AFERRIDAY Nathan780BOWBROOK ARecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
40BDITCHBURN Brooklyn4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
40CTAIT William121SHETLAND ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
40DBALL Cameron763LICHFIELD ACompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
41ALEE Isabel1500NETHERHALL ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
41BRADIGAN Cameron2377IRVINE TOXOPHOLITESRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
41CFERRIDAY Leah780BOWBROOK ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
41DCAMERONRADIGAN Stool1ARCHERY GBStay on the Line Stay on the Line
42AHARPER Becky780BOWBROOK ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
42BTAPP Harry4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
42CYOUNG Toby790ISLE OF MAN ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
42DCLAPHAM Fraser1227ROYSTON HEATH ACLongbow Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
43AMICKIEWICZ Szymon1941SOUTHFIELDS ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
43BABDELHALIM Shaimaa4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
43CWIGGIN Toby788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
43DBELMONTE Grace428ALTON & FOUR MARKSCompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
44AWHITE Hayden1941SOUTHFIELDS ACRecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
44BBROOKES Jacob790ISLE OF MAN ACRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
44CGILLMAN Robbie788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
44DWILLIAMS Ted1246DEER PARK ALongbow Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
45AHULSE Jessica788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
45BCHOPPING Amethyst660EXMOUTH ALongbow Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
45CASHTON Alysia790ISLE OF MAN ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
45DGOODWIN Lila295HAMPSTEAD BBarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
46AHULSE Holly788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
46BHUGHES Fay1004IVANHOE ABarebow Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
46CNEEDS Damian2118GREEN LANE JUNIOR ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
46DCRIPPS Paige2241BICESTER ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
47ASIMPSON Jasmine684WYRE FOREST C OF ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
47BSALISBURY Aspen428ALTON & FOUR MARKSRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
47CKELLETT Rebecca938B OF BRUNTWOODRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
47DPASCAL Monique755WOLVERHAMPTON C OF ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
48ASMITH Nathan731MERIDEN ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
48BGORDON-BROWN Oliver252ROYAL RICHMOND ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
48CFOX Hannah839BURTON CONSTABLE BRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
48DWATKINS Kian1945SLEAFORD MALTSTERSRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
49AGRANDIN Barnaby515B OF WARFIELDRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
49BGORDON-BROWN Victoria252ROYAL RICHMOND ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
49CCOSTALL Megan778HAFREN FORESTERS ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
49DRADOSZ Mikolaj1941SOUTHFIELDS ACBarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
50APERRING Ella2595WALLINGFORD CASTLE ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
50BHASLAM Isabelle1040ANCHOR B ACRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
50CGORE Will1246DEER PARK ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
50DCOSTANZA Marco570CLEVE ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
51AACKLAND-SNOW Hannah2595WALLINGFORD CASTLE ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
51BROBERTS Rebecca4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
51CPETERS Molly1246DEER PARK ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
51DCROOK Harriet537SOUTH WANSDYKE ACRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
52AEVANS Hannah526B OF BURLEIGHRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
52BELLIOTT Rosie828CHANTRY B ROTHERHAMLongbow Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
52CORME Asha618SUPERMARINE BRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
52DHANCOCK-SMITH Ben259GUILDFORD ACRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
53ABELSHAW Emelia526B OF BURLEIGHRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
53BWALKER-MATHEWS James1336PURBECK ABarebow Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
53CSHIELD Ella570CLEVE ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
53DHOWKINS Christopher1ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
54ADAVIES Clara2595WALLINGFORD CASTLE ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
54BSMITH Joshua570CLEVE ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
54CTUCKER Paige1246DEER PARK ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
54DSIMS Thomas2241BICESTER ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
55ABUCKINGHAM Oliver2112AIM4SPORTRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
55BOFFEREDSPACE WaitingList1ARCHERY GBAwaiting Payment from Waiting Li Awaiting Payment from Waiting Li
55BWHITMARSH Austin568CHELTENHAM ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
55CWELLS Hannah645LACETOWN ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
55DRAWDIN-JONES Owen1654BLANDY JENKINS ALongbow Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
56AROBERTS Sophie2627PEACOCK ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
56BTATUM Tony908B OF WALKERCompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
56CBAUGHAN Jemima616KINGSTON ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
56DRAWDIN-JONES Steffan1654BLANDY JENKINS ACompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
57ARAWDIN-JONES Cyra1654BLANDY JENKINS ACompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
57BNASH Chloe1040ANCHOR B ACCompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
57CPETRE Iulia2209CORBY ACompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
57DTEBBS Caroline529KESTRELS ACCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
58AWALSH Jake1297BALLYVALLY A BANBRIDGECompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
58BHUNT Nathan529KESTRELS ACCompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
58CBALL Zachary763LICHFIELD ACompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
58DWENCH Makayla2081BANBURY CROSS ACompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
59AGROOM Thomas4ARCHERY GBCompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
59BHASLAM Lewis1040ANCHOR B ACCompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
59CRIDDING Dru2411MILLOM ACompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
59DGEDDES Robyn1322LETHEN ARCHERSCompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
60AWOODGATE James246WOKING ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
60BGROOM Ned2111WINCHESTER COLLEGE ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
60CMALLETT Kara4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
60DSKILTON Piers1561BLUE ARROWS ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
14:30 Session
Country Name
31ASCOTT Finlay786LONG MYND ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
31BAHMAD Zara1941SOUTHFIELDS ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
31CEASTON Rhiannon1210NOAK HILL ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
31DPAGAN Amy2409BLACKBURN ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
32AHEALEY Penny780BOWBROOK ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
32BHAMILTON Emily202LASSWADE ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
32CDACE Daniel1500NETHERHALL ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
32DSTOTT Eleanor813VALLEY B OF HUDDERSFIELDRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
33ARAWLINGS Lauren4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
33BSEEZ Joe197PENICUIK ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
33CGULVIN Samuel1210NOAK HILL ARecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
33DFOREMAN Catherine872B OF PENDLE & SAMLESBURYRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
34ATURNER Lauren Rebecca684WYRE FOREST C OF ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
34BAIKEN Caitlyn1559BROCH ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
34CMEYRICK Saskia427ANDOVER ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
34DROBERTS Samantha870ST HELENS ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
35AYATES Luke780BOWBROOK ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
35BBRYERS Megan1297BALLYVALLY A BANBRIDGERecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
35CLEVY Lauren259GUILDFORD ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
35DRANDALL Rebecca1012MELTON MOWBRAY A CRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
36ALLEWELLYN-SMITH Charlotte788THE AUDCO ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
36BMCCORMICK Molly43LISBURN CITY ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
36C2 METHOLD Callum259GUILDFORD ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
36DHARDY William570CLEVE ARecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
37ALESSIMORE Molly79LLANTARNAM ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
37BMCCORMICK Helen43LISBURN CITY ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
37CKNIGHT Raven-Corey464WEST ESSEX BRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
37DSETCHFIELD Hayden611BRACKEN C OF ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
38APOWELL Jack79LLANTARNAM ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
38BMURRAY-LOPEZ Andrea1297BALLYVALLY A BANBRIDGERecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
38CCROUCH Natasha330THANET ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
38DBARKER Poppy966BRAMCOTE ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
39ALEVITT Florence2627PEACOCK ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
39BEYRES Laura967BEESTON RYLANDS ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
39CIMESON Lewis872B OF PENDLE & SAMLESBURYRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
39DBOULTON Sophia570CLEVE ACompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
40AHARRIS Max1500NETHERHALL ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
40BINGLIS Joshua993SILVER SPOON BRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
40CHUGHES Heather873NETHERMOSS ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
40DDAVIS Aimee464WEST ESSEX BCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
41A2 LEE Isabel1500NETHERHALL ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
41BWYLIE Liam886BLACKPOOL BRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
41CROGERS Lauren1892NOVA BRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
41DROSE Phoebe1946MERE ABarebow Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
42ARAVEN Billy464WEST ESSEX BRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
42BCLARKE Lucy4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
42CGARDINER Hannah860WIGAN & ORRELL ARecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
42DCRAVEN Matilda993SILVER SPOON BCompound Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
43A2 MICKIEWICZ Szymon1941SOUTHFIELDS ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
43BTUCKER Jack4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
43CSTOCKS Luke1321DANUM ARecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
43DSUMMERS Emily1246DEER PARK ABarebow Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
44A2 WHITE Hayden1941SOUTHFIELDS ACRecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
44BCARTWRIGHT Mary4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
44CMYERS-BENNETT Isabella860WIGAN & ORRELL ARecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
44DTHOMAS William1991HINGHAM BLongbow Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
45ACASTLE Sophie351CANTERBURY ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
45BSIRMON Scott263CHESSINGTON BRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
45CMYERS-BENNETT Alexandra860WIGAN & ORRELL ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
45DWILKINSON Maisie1004IVANHOE ABarebow Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
46AMANTRAVADI Siri Vannela464WEST ESSEX BRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
46BRAWLINGS Anja4ARCHERY GBLongbow Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
46CDANIEL Benjamin815ST GEORGES ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
46DRIDDING Alfie2411MILLOM ACompound Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
47ABIRDSALL Samuel469RAYLEIGH TOWN ACRecurve Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
47BPARKER Alexander1246DEER PARK ACompound Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
47CPOLLITT Jessica932CHESHIRE COUNTY BRecurve Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
47DTITCHENER Orlaith830BRIDLINGTON BAY ACompound Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
48ALOCK Andrew1210NOAK HILL ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
48B2 GARRETT Sophie428ALTON & FOUR MARKSBarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
48CTITCHENER Niamh830BRIDLINGTON BAY ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
48DBECKER Charlie4ARCHERY GBBarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
49ATEDORE Grace469RAYLEIGH TOWN ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
49BROBINSON Oliver2409BLACKBURN ACompound Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
49CSUSCA Thomas938B OF BRUNTWOODRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
49D2 RADOSZ Mikolaj1941SOUTHFIELDS ACBarebow Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
50ABARRETT-REES Grace1654BLANDY JENKINS ARecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
50BDONLON Heather860WIGAN & ORRELL ARecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
50CPUNJABI Shauna263CHESSINGTON BRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
50D2 COSTANZA Marco570CLEVE ARecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
51AWESTON Ben77ST KINGSMARK BRecurve Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
51BBODEN Jacob4ARCHERY GBRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
51CSCOTT Ajay351CANTERBURY ACompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
51DROBERTSON Meghan263CHESSINGTON BBarebow Section 8 - Junior Ladies U12
52ABARRETT-REES Jakob1654BLANDY JENKINS ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
52BCHARLESWORTH Marc1293ARUNDOWN ACRecurve Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
52CRICHARDS Alfie220HELLINGLY ACBarebow Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
52DPERRY Liana272OXFORD ARCHERSCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
53ACOWELL Daniel469RAYLEIGH TOWN ACRecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
53BCOLE Eleanor252ROYAL RICHMOND ACRecurve Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
53CBOULTON Hallie872B OF PENDLE & SAMLESBURYCompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
53DBOTTLE Harry1ARCHERY GBCompound Section 6 - Junior Gentlemen U12
54ACOSTALL Rhian778HAFREN FORESTERS ACRecurve Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
54BNEWBY Imogen483BRAINTREE BRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
54CBALL Elisa262C M O BOWMENBarebow Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
54DHARDESTY DEAN Jessica815ST GEORGES ACRecurve Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
55ABARRETT-REES Finnlay1654BLANDY JENKINS ACompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
55BGIBSON Ella1246DEER PARK ACompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
55COUTRAM Ellie4ARCHERY GBCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
55DWILLIAMS Jasmin4ARCHERY GBCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
56APINDER Bob57RADNOR FORESTERSCompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
56BTHOMAS Nathan214WORTHING ACCompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
56CTAYLOR-THORN Cameron908B OF WALKERCompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
56DCROW Dillon907CLEADON ACompound Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
57AUZZELL Joshua1246DEER PARK ACompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
57BEDWARDS Samuel997FRISKNEY BCompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
57CBLAKE Oliver412PORTSDOWN ACCompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
57DA'BEAR Chloe1246DEER PARK ACompound Section 7 - Junior Ladies U14
58ACODLING Maddison853ASSHETON BCompound Section 2 - Junior Ladies U18
58BSTOCKS Hannah1321DANUM ACompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
58CLANE Thomas966BRAMCOTE ACCompound Section 5 - Junior Gentlemen U14
58DCLIFFORD Holly1246DEER PARK ACompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
59AMEYRICK Sophie427ANDOVER ACompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
59BSPENCER-NICE Riley1246DEER PARK ARecurve Section 3 - Junior Gentlemen U16
59CBRYAN Jenny966BRAMCOTE ACCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
59DPEAKE Liam943NORTH CHESHIRE BCompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
60ACHAPPELL Grace1246DEER PARK ACompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
60BHUNTER Holly210THE HIGH WEALD ACCompound Section 4 - Junior Ladies U16
60CWONG Matthew119LINKS ACompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18
60DWRIGHT Liam966BRAMCOTE ACCompound Section 1 - Junior Gentlemen U18